Online Communication Etiquettes Still Matter

As a kid, I grew in a family of teachers; dad taught math while mom taught English. Calculus, trigonometry, essay writing, and learning “big” English vocabularies were part of our daily family dinner discussions. My mama (I call her Iya Tolu) had a unique parenting style forged from a blend of British (middle-class) life style […]

Pragmatism: A time-tested leadership strategy in the Marketplace

As someone who migrated to North America as a young adult, I am always fascinated by Nehemiah’s story (in the bible) because his leadership experience as a professional and immigrant in Persia. Learning about his leadership qualities has helped me answer one of my most burning questions: “Why do leaders with brilliant and innovative ideas […]

Adaptability: The key to Managing your Manager

Prior to going to grad school, I spent a year working as a business analyst in one of the multinational management consulting firms in Nigeria. As a 25-year old, fresh out of college, I had thought of pursuing a career in management consulting. During the first two weeks of orientation, I was both excited and […]